
Bags, Baskets and Racks

These items make it so much easier to get around on your bicycle. The smallest bags we carry work great for stashing your wallet, cell phone and keys on long bike rides without affecting your weight or aerodynamics. Our larger bags and baskets allow you to make a quick run to the grocery store. And the racks we sell make it possible to strap virtually anything to your bike. So no matter what you dream of doing, it's possible with a bag, basket or rack. Learn More


The Information Age has put its stamp on the cycling industry! Bike computers make all the data you need to know readily available: basic data like speed, distance and time; and more advanced metrics like cadence, heart rate, calories burned and GPS coordinates. Whether you're training for a race or riding for pleasure, we have a computer for you. Learn More


If you're planning to commute by bike but don't want to get to your destination looking like you just finished the Almanzo 100, you need fenders for your bike. Fenders help keep dirt and water where they belong, ensuring that you'll get to your destination clean and dry. Learn More


On hot summer days, it's crucial to stay hydrated. We have a number of insulated and non-insulated water bottles and a variety of cage styles and colors to choose from. We also have Camelbak hydration packs that hold more water and are easier to drink from on the move. Learn More


Lights serve two purposes: they illuminate your path and they alert drivers to your presence. The lights we stock use tough seals to keep moisture out in wet conditions and LED bulbs to ensure long life. If you plan to ride at dusk or at night, lights will make your ride easier and safer. Learn More


Call me Captain Obvious, but locks are intended to keep your bike where you left it. That's why we sell locks that deter theft by using materials difficult to cut or tamper with. We carry a variety of styles to suit your specific needs. Learn More


Whether you need to completely fill your tires or you just need to top them off before a ride, we have a tire pump for you. Floor pumps inflate your tires quickly but are unwieldly to bring along on a ride. Hand pumps are slower to use but can be attached to your bike frame or stowed in a saddlebag. Plus, we have electric and C02 powered pumps that require no manual pumping. Come in and check out the variety of pumps we have in stock. Learn More


Not satisfied with your current bike seat? Tired of coming home with a sore derrière after each ride? Don't worry - we can find a saddle to fit you better. The brands we carry use a variety of foams and gels to provide the most comfortable ride for you. Learn More


Need to make a quick fix on the trail? We have a selection of multi-tools that allow you to fix most problems without having to tow the workbench behind you. Plus, we're an authorized Park Tools dealer so we can set you up with the same tools we depend on every day. Learn More


If you're dedicated to maintaining your cycling physique throughout the entire year, you need to get a trainer. Cycling trainers let you ride your bike indoors as if you are riding outside. They simulate a variety of riding conditions - some models actually apply resistance at certain intervals to simulate hilly terrain. Learn More